
 Mobile Market

In Fall of 2022, Route One launched the first ever mobile market in Santa Barbara county. The mission of the mobile market is to increase access to fresh, locally grown produce within Lompoc and its surrounding communities.

Nearly all produce sold at our mobile market is sourced from Lompoc Valley farmers. The mobile market provides our smaller scale farmers an additional opportunity to connect with the community and sell their goods.

The Mobile Market happily accepts EBT, and also offers a 50% discount on all produce through Market Match. This program helps us continue our mission to build a healthier and happier Lompoc.

Follow us on social media or see schedule below for our truck’s weekly stops.



The Route One Mobile Market will be located at the following stops each week:

Wednesdays, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Santa Barbara County Public Health:
Lompoc Health Care Center
301 North R St, Lompoc, CA 93436

Thursdays, 11:00am to 1:00pm
LVMC Comprehensive Care Center
216 N 3rd St, Lompoc, CA 93436
(behind building on 4th St & Walnut Ave)
*1st Thursday of the month ONLY*

Thursdays, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Mission Hills Shopping Center
Burton Mesa Blvd & Rucker Rd,
Mission Hills, CA 93436

Fridays, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
LVMC Hospital
1515 E Ocean Ave, Lompoc, CA 93436
(between Hospital & Home Depot)

Remember to check our Instagram & Facebook pages for a list of our pop-up events!

Meet Lauren

Lauren Requenez is the Mobile Market Program Manager for Route One. She is proud to be heading the first ever mobile farmer’s market program in Santa Barbara County. When she isn’t driving the truck around town, she’s connecting with our many local farm vendors and community partners.

Lauren has always had a passion for our local food system, having worked and managed various restaurants, bakeries, and markets along the Central Coast for over a decade.

Her volunteer work is also focused around nutrition and literacy and she spends her free time as a culinary educator. She has worked with several non-profit organizations over the years, including Americorps, The Foodbank of Santa Barbara County, and Rooted Santa Barbara County.

Meet KC

KC Ochoa was born and raised in Lompoc, CA and has lived here her entire life. She is the Assistant Manager for the Route One Farmer’s Market and the Mobile Market Truck. Before she joined the Route One team, KC was a loyal market customer for years. She loves that she, along with many of our market shoppers are able to use their EBT dollars to buy fresh fruits and vegetables every week.

KC is also an avid home gardener and animal lover. She graduated from Allan Hancock College with an Associate’s Degree in Culinary Arts with an emphasis in Baking. She has volunteered for a local dog rescue in for 9 years, as well as a local farm rescue and our local county animal shelter. She has fostered many puppies and kittens in her years of volunteer work. 
